Thursday, 21 July 2011

Debate: First Round: Is Aye Chan an academician or an anti-Rohingya?

Dr. Abid Bahar Ph.D.

Dear Arakan Readers:

At first when I began reading Aye Chan, I thought he was a scholar but as I went into details I found out that he has problems dealing "with multiple sides of issues" as is normally the case with xenophobes. You would notice here Aye Chan comments to Dr. Siddiqui and says:

"Main theme is 'Whether these Muslims who call themselves Rohingya are the immigrants from Chittagong District or not.'

I have proved 'They are.' Don't avoid the main topic, Siddiqui, the liar." Aye Chan also identifies himself as "A Challenger for life on this topic." It seems that Aye Chan is more of a Rakhine crusader on this topic than an academician. Unfortunately, the Rakhine extremists use him as a true "academician."