Dr. Abid Bahar Ph.D.
The Rakhine xenophob Aye Chan is active again and sending out emails about his new discovery. He is not a rocket scientist to discover a new star in the distant horizon. As a xenophob he is crying wolf again. Aye Chan who earned his popularity among people in the anti democracy movement for his anti-Rohingya activities by writing a book called "Influx viruses" identifying the Burmese Rohingya people as being viruses to be exterminated is active again against the Rohingya people with an old piece of paper he found to put down the entire Rohingya people. This time he claims that he found a leaflet he claims produced by a splinter group of the Rohingya community. With this discovery he is vainly identifying this suffering community as being Islamic terrorists. This is not a new revelation by him, please see his previous works where he use to make people surprised about Rohingya people as being "dangerous" in this practice he does pass along old wine in his new bottle. This time he is not even selling wine but snake oil to be precise.