Friday, 29 September 2006

The reply of Abid Bahar's to U Khin Maung Saw's on “Rohingya”

The “Rohingya”, who are they? The origin of the name “Rohingya”

Abid Bahar:

It is unfortunate that after the invasion of Arakan by the Burmese army in 1784, turning Arakan forever into a tiny province of Burma, Arakan continued to sink in to the level of a place that is pumped up in prejudice and now is famous only for producing refugees. Such is the sign of degradation, evident in its xenophobic site , its famous historians like Aye Chan and now U Khin Maung Saw (Berlin).

What surprised me is to see how prejudice can blind people's eyes. U Khin Maung Saw wrote an article with the following title "THE "ROHINGYAS" WHO ARE THEY? THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME "ROHINGYA." This gentleman lives in the West, and surprisingly even says jokes like a village joker but pretends like a historian. In the following I will explain how:

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Debate between Dr. Aye Chan and Dr. Abid Bahar on “Influx viruses”

Dr. Abid Bahar

The ongoing debate with Dr. Aye Chan, the co-author of “Influx viruses”

We began our debate in the Global Voices (see google/Golbal voices/ Aye Chan) on the book "Influx Viruses," coauthored by Dr. Aye Chan.  Dr. Aye Chan now teaches in Japan. I am Abid Bahar. I am a human rights activist, trained by the Canadian Foundation for Human Rights and now I teach in Canada.

We had discussions on Dr Chan's two other works, one "Who are the Rohingyas" and the other one " The Development of Muslim Enclave in Arakan (Rakhine) State of Burma (Myanmar)" My original question to Dr. Aye Chan was mainly about his co authored book, "Influx Viruses." I asked him what does he mean by Rohingyas as Bengali Influx viruses? How could humanbeings be viruses?